Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Paris and 20 Year Reunion

So I bought a new treadmill. It's a good one. A Nordictrack form Sears.
All these years I though my boobs were too big to run, I was buying crappy shoes, I was using the treadmill so much it was hurting my knees, when in reality I had a really shitty treadmill.
I only spent like $300 on it in 2004 and I was still using it last week, even though it sounded like it was chewing on rocks, even though I had to turn my ipod up sooo loud just to cover up the sound of the motor, and my knees would start to hurt after 20 minutes on 3.6 mph.
My new one is the super fancy one with springy shocks. They are so springy that I even started running. I was at 4.0 mph and thought, this is too easy, so I started running.
I know crazy.
It was like butter. So quiet, so smooth. It just made me want to run.
Now I'm not going to go crazy. I'm easing myself into it: walk for 2 minutes, run for 2 minutes for a total of 22 minutes. I'm going to work up to a full 30 minutes of running.
In high school this was how we started every fall and this is how I'm going to run myself back into my high school shape. I won't make it back to 118 pounds, but I hope to get stronger and slimmer and more athletic looking just in time for my 20 year high school reunion this summer and our awesome deferred anniversary trip to Paris in May.
I'm going to rock both Champaign Illinois and Paris.

Offensive Ads

I would like to apologize if the adds you see on this site are offensive. Some are very offensive to me too. I was just going to put some light hearted post about being back and done with school, but decided to look back on what I'd last written before I started and I saw the most horrible add. It was a picture of Pres. Obama and a statement about how, "Obama won't defend the unborn, so you should. Please sign the petition to overturn Roe v Wade."
Please do not think in any way that I support this advertisement. It just pisses me off that people are out there trying to overturn Roe V Wade and are crazy enough to buy blog adds to try and get their message across. How tacky!
I am VERY pro-choice. No one, especially fundamentalist religious people, or old white men, are going to tell me what to do with my body. Women are not just baby machines are should be able to make adult decisions for themselves regardless of the Christian standpoint on abortion or family planning. Arghhhh!
Don't even get me started.
The point of this rant is just not to associate me, or my writing with the ads that are shown on my page. I don't have any control over them.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Are you ready?

I am almost done. I will return triumphantly with a Master's Degree and loads of free time.