Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sugar and coyotes

This is Sugar.

Yes I know we already have so many cats, but we are now officially down 2 from 5. You all know Rupert died of liver failure earlier this year, well a couple of weeks ago we lost another one.

I woke up in the middle of the night to what I thought was a cat fight. I got up went downstairs, turned on the floodlights and saw and heard nothing. The next day we were missing Sammy, one of the two kittens we took in from a friend last November. He wasn't small for an almost a year old cat, and he looked bigger because of his fluffy long hair, but not big enough to fight off a coyote.

I told the kids he must have run away and found a new family, but I know what I heard that night was a coyote running off with our cat. He must have put up a hell of a fight, but it didn't turn out good for him. We're upset, but he wasn't a favorite and obviously replaceable. I think we just have to know living here in the mountains that if you let your pets outside at night they can get eaten.

So anyway. I took the kids to the pound supposedly to look to see if someone had turned in Sammy and we fell in love with Sugar. I've never had an orange cat so he jumped out right away.

So far he's doing okay and helping to console Sammy's lonely brother PeeWee by fighting with him constantly.

Obviously nothing else spectacular is going on in our lives since I'm writing about my cats. I am a cat lady and always will be. If there is nothing else to talk about I can always gush about my animals. Entertaining? Not really? I know.

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