Thursday, March 21, 2013

Petey the Dog

Yes I am allergic to dogs, but that does not mean that I am immune to their charms. We make a weekly ritual of stopping at Petsmart every Saturday before grocery shopping. Usually we just peruse the cats and go home, but a couple of weeks ago we met Petey and her siblings. We went back on Sunday to see if anyone was left and there was this cute little puppy with a huge soft puppy belly and an enormous cold wet nose sitting there all alone. We could not resist.
She's been with us for three weeks now and it has not been easy. Our house smells like a kennel while we try and house train her. The kids sometimes hide in their rooms for a break from her boundless energy.
But at night when she gets tired there are fights over who gets to snuggle with her. She is a mix of beagle and daushund, and definitly more beagle compared to her short leggged black and brown siblings.
I'm not totally sure it will work out for us with her and the cats and my allergies, but we are giving it a try. Don't get all up in arms we aren't going to dump her again, we have a grandma willing to take her if we give up and can't handle it any more.
For now she is a sweet little girl who keeps shitting on my rugs and wants desperately to curl up on my desk while I try and write. It's a love/hate relationship.

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