Friday, June 28, 2013

Road Trip 2013

This summer we are going to attempt a 2 week long road trip.
Stops to be included are Amarillo, TX, Kansas City, Champaign, Il, Lansing, MI, Chicago, Madison, WI and Valentine, NE.
I know, all the midwestern hot spots.
I can't tell yet if this is going to be a good idea. It could end up the hottest, most infuriating, longest trip ever. Or it could end up a pleasant romp through my childhood haunts smattered with beautiful reunions with long lost relatives and highschool friends.
This summer is the litmus test.
We have 3 other trips planned for the next 3 summers. This summer being the least interesting of destinations. Next summer the South, 2015 the West and Northwest, and 2016, the big one, the Northeast.
This is the time to take these trips while the kids are still somewhat small. They can sleep and Ipod and if I can make them, look out the window and see their beautiful country. It's all foreign to my desert forest raised children.
I would totally like to write more today, but it's 95 degrees in Flagstaff and if I don't get some ice cream into my system I will overheat.

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