Monday, June 10, 2013

I'm back and I'm 38!

Today is my 38th birthday.
Yes I feel older, but not on the inside. I still feel like I'm 23, but much wiser.

We are back from Europe.
School is out.
I am home for the summer.

I will post photos and updates.

I am currently deliberating going back to work next year or taking some time off to write and take care of our businesses and have more time for the kids and the house.
It's a tough decision and of course there are money concerns. I don't make a lot of money working for the school district, but what I do make helps pay for extras like gymnastics and vacations.

Can I find a way to make $200/week on my own?
Do I really want to quit a job I love?
Will I still know all the cool books if I'm not working with kids everyday?

I don't know is the only answer I've come up with so far.

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