Friday, July 10, 2009

Tangible Evidence

It's working. I'm actually moving forward on my rug designs. I have 10 designs for me to tuft here in my studio and 10 designs to send to Nepal for hand knotting.

I've almost finished choosing colors for them all. I've contacted Nepal and I've ordered their color swatches. I've gotten my own FedEx account to make it easier to ship things back and forth to Nepal. I've started making my own tuft samples for my 54 colors that I already have here in the studio.

The next big steps are to get a rug up on my frame, start taking pictures for the web site, send my 10 rug designs to Nepal to get my 10 1'x1' strike offs to check the colors, then finish the web site with photos of the strike offs, and then start showing everything around.

I'm planning on taking a couple of days once school starts to go down to Phoenix and visit the high end rug showrooms and high end interior designers to show them my wares. Of course letting it slip that I'm an architect should get me right in the door, the rest is up to my rugs.

I'm getting excited. It really did work to just stop all the busy work and get down to what it was that I really wanted to do. The writing has taken a back seat, but that's okay. I feel good about moving forward with my rugs. If I am absent here it is because I am getting shit done and no longer writing about what it is that I want to do, but actually doing it.
Isn't that always the key to getting things done? It's so simple it bottles my mind.

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