Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jowanna Hill Where Are You?

Yes I put her name in the title of this post. Maybe she will Google her name someday and my little blog will pop up and she'll read it and see what it is like to be on the other end of her unanswered phone calls.

It's been four days since I got little Miss Jowanna's phone number. I've left 3 messages and sent her e-mails and I have yet to hear back from her at all. All I would need is a one line e-mail saying, 'I'm working on it', some kind of acknowledgement of her being my negotiator.. something to satiate me, but no I've got nothing.
I even e-mailed my old friend Luis and told him to go on over to Jowanna's desk and see if she's dead, on vacation or in the hospital with rabies or some other debilitating disease that would keep her from returning phone calls.

It is driving me mad.

Then I decided to call our 2nd mortage company and see if they would be able to do a modification for us as well...... that's another 3 month process.... and they have to have the numbers from the first mortgage modification. The CitiMortage guy even suggested that I 'keep calling Bank of America and push them to finish up thier modification' I laughed out loud at that one.

This isn't what I want to spend my days doing .This isn't how I want to spend my life, worrying over whether or not my family will have to move this summer. I don't want to have to troll Craigslist everyday looking for an affordable rental that will hold my family of five and our five cats. I want to know what the hell is going on. Bank of America is holding our entire lives in their hands and they don't give a rat's ass. Jowanna Hill doesn't seem to give a rat's ass either. This is our life. We have to make plans and know how to move on with our lives if we lose this house.

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