Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Waiting for Bank of America and not making mortage payments

Still no word from Bank of America. I'm just not going to hold my breath anymore. I was before because I was still making my payments, but there is no turning back now. I've already spent a big portion of what would have been our mortgage payment this month. I bought the family new glasses. This week I'm getting some shit lasered off my face. Next week I'm getting an exhaust leak and an oil leak fixed on my truck. The week after that I'm buying the family passports, and after that we're all getting our yearly cleaning/checkup at the dentist.These are all the things we've been putting off because we couldn't afford to get it done.

I think I deserve all of the above things. We aren't getting any attention from B of A by paying our mortgage, so in order to get our modification I'm not making payments anymore. I don't mind wrecking my credit.

If you're just joining me, and judging me, please note that I would still be able to afford my house if not for the banks wrecking the construction industry. The horrible lending practices of the banks ruined 2 of my businesses, so I'm trying to get a little relief in the form of a modification.

I was feeling bad for deciding not to pay the mortgage, but then I got over it. It's my money and I decide where it needs to go most. If I can get a 6 month repreive on my mortgage payments and catch up on everything we've been falling behind on the past few months, then I'm going to take advantage of it. If the modification comes back good maybe we'll stay, or maybe we'll move. Only time will tell.

It's hard to not make plans. It's hard to not know what we are going to do, but we're going to ride it out and see what happens. Either way we will be okay. We still have great income, just not enough for this big freakin house.

With the extra money I'll be able to put some of it back into my rug business which has been sitting in the background getting ignored for lack of funds. This could very well work out as a good thing if it gets everything up and running smoothly again.

Time will tell. I'm trying to be patient this time.

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