Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Winter Lament

So we have had over 130" of total snow this winter season. Officially more than anywhere else in the United States this year, and it blows.

It is March 9th. School started late this morning and then I had to pick the kids up early from school since the bus would not be coming thru my neighborhood during the blowing snow. It has been like this since November and I am so over it.

There is over 5 feet of snow on our upstairs deck that we have yet to shovel off and it keeps getting higher and higher, so high that it is starting to block the views out of the windows.

My dear husband has been trying to deliver packages all day and will be exhausted but will still have to try and snow blow his way into our 200' long driveway when he gets home.....in the dark.

It's too much. This will go down in our history as the worst winter we've ever experienced and it even beats that horrible winter in Vermont with no garage, no friends, and no heat.

It's cold. We're tired. I want to wear sandles. Little Mia wanted to wear a sundress so badly this morning that we made it work with tights and layers over and under her dress with sparkly sandles over her socks.

I'm ready to implode. I want to beg the sunshine to come here and just melt everything and flood the place. As long as it's sunny and 65 I don't care how deep the water is. My toes need to breath. I need an excuse to shave my legs.

It's just too much. So much that I don't think I want to spend another winter here and suffer through another winter on a mountain.

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