Monday, August 26, 2013

PMS Panic Attach

I just finished paying the price for a 2 week long vacation. During that 2 weeks I did not exercise. I did not get in my 3-4 miles a day walk and it made me miserable. It has nothing to do with my weight or the way my pants fit.
It has everything to do with the way I react to PMS. It did not go well at all last week. I was out of my mind. Things are starting to come back around to normal today, but it was evil. It was terrifying and made me question my sanity on deep levels.
Things get real sketchy when I don't exercise or stick to a regular schedule. Things were fine while we were traveling, but once home the shit started to hit the fan.
There is the usual depression associated with returning from a trip and the starting of school. But combine that with the fact that I hadn't been exercising or eating normally and the PMS last week just knocked my on my mental and physical ass.
I couldn't handle anything. I had to leave the house for the evening Thursday and take myself out of the game. That was the low point. I immediately took some Midol, peed 4 times, had a Diet Coke, and some Chipotle and my mind seemed to come back around.
It's hard to verbalize what was going through head before I left the house, but I had to leave. Luckily my children are old enough that I can leave them at home and not worry about the consequesces. I called my husband, let him know I was out and quickly made my getaway.
It's not the children. It's the pressure of all the things that needed me. Dinner, homework, laundry, parent night at school, bills, the pets. It's all so mundane, but it's all so big in my mind that I can't cope with it a second longer or I will explode.
It's scary and there doesn't seem to be a solution to all the pressure, except to just leave the situation. It feels like a cop out even now just describing it, but the feeling is very real and the need for escape is overpowering.
It's my version of a panic attack. I will die if I stay where I am. I have to leave.

I'm not sure what I'm trying to accomplish by describing my mental illness to you, but maybe some understanding as to why I try and keep things "just so". Life is scary and not just for me, but for everyone. We all have different ways of coping with the scary things and this is my way. I have to walk. I have to eat the same things. I have to have a schedule. I have to have away time.

This week will be my testimony to all things normal.
Walk 3 miles this am. check
Eat Rice Krispies daily. check
Vacuum. check

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