Monday, August 26, 2013

Best Donuts in the Whole World - Blue Gate Bakery

I have been ruined. Ruined I tell you.

This place has THE BEST DONUTS in the entire world.

The Blue Gate Bakery in Shipshewana, Indiana. It is located inside the Blue Gate Restaurant and Theater in Amish Country.

OMG. I have never had a donut this good. I have tried many all over the world and they win. They win. I don't even need to look any more.
I remember the day. It was Monday August 5th, 2013 when I tasted the best donuts in the world.
We were hungry and were going to eat at the restaurant when my nose found it's way to the bakery. Ahh the bakery.
The donuts were shining like gold in the display case. There is was on the top shelf: a long john with freshly knife spread chocolate frosting and creamy white cream peeking out from inside. We ordered a full dozen donuts. Carl thought he saw a maple bar, but no, it turned out to be caramel frosting, his wildest dreams come true. We took the huge white box back to the car. I lifted my long john out of the box and nearly dropped it from the weight. It must have been a solid one pounder. I took a bite and melted into donut heaven. The frosting was so fresh. The cream was so heavy and light at the same time and the dough was solid. I didn't mean to eat the whole thing, but I did. I couldn't put it down even though my stomach was screaming, please stop, my mouth was screaming, EAT IT ALL! and then have another.
I have never had a donut this delicious. EVER. Look at all the capitals in this post. I am not joking. I am serious. If you are a donut lover and connoisseur you must make the pilgrimage to the Blue Gate Bakery and taste the heaven that is Amish donuts.
There are two kinds of donuts: french fry grease crispy donuts, also known as Asian donuts that are made in LA. The others are the lard based donuts that are made in the Middle West. Both delicious, but very different.
The Shipshewana donuts were lard based and can't be compared to the french fry grease type of donuts.
Since getting back from our trip I have not been able to eat a single donut. They all look so pale in comparison. Don't even try and get me to sample a Dunkin Donut after my donut euphoria in Indiana. I can't do it. I can't eat them. What's the point? They won't be as good. They won't satisfy the way that other donut did. I'm ruined and I love donuts.
I'm scheming and trying to figure out a way to get those donuts here to me from Indiana. Are you driving this way? Can you bring me one? Can I FedEx custom critical one? I will need this donut to survive.

That's them from the web site. I'm just going to look and drool for a while.

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