Thursday, March 4, 2010

Frosty Therapy

Still no word from Luis and my negotiator yet. I should hear something today or tomorrow.

I was feeling so good last week and this week seems like a let down comparitively. Maybe because it's crappy out today with the wind blowing and a snow threatening sky, or maybe becuase I ate too many Lucky Charms this morning, or maybe becuase I completely ruined my good leather purse this morning by inadvertantly putting a water bottle in it without the lid screwed on tightly. I don't know, but I'm not feeling it today.

I'm tired of my good weeks and horrible weeks. I would like just some good even uneventfullness with maybe a good vacation in my future to look forward to. These violent ups and downs and stress related to the house are taking their toll on me.

I had to dye my hair again yesterday becuase all of a sudden there were gray hairs everywhere. I used to look so young for my age and now I think I'm acutally starting to look like I'm going to be 35 in a few months. My eyes are starting to get those tiny wrinkly lines under them and I'm so washed out I have to color in my eyebrows every morning or else I look like I have no eyebrows.

I've never been a high maintenance girl, but as I get older it's really starting to take longer to get ready in the morning.

Maybe what I need to do to perk myself up today is to go out and buy a new purse. Nothing makes a gal feel better than shopping right?

Fuck it. I'll just roll with the crappy day and see where it takes me. Right now I think it's going to take me to Wendy's for a Frosty and a little cheap retail therapy at Kohl's to look for a new purse.

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