Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weather Reflections

It's been raining for about 8 days straight here in Flagstaff. Not only has the monsoon not ended, but it has morphed into something much more sinister.

Usually with monsoon season it's nice in the am, clouds up in the afternoon, rains, thunders, etc and then clears up by dinner. It's the same way in winter when it snows. The sun always comes out for the majority of the day. That's why I love it here. There is happy weather, not deep soul crushing darkness and damp.

This season not so. The clouds are oppressive and not just gray, but blue-black. The thunderheads pop up out of nowhere even with my 25 mile 180 degree views. One benign looking cloud will unleash a torrent of rain that lasts for 25 minutes. It's hard to take the dog out. I've never done a dog in the rain. She hates it and so do I.

The mountain is covered in fog and dark clouds. It looks like an evil destination from a fairy tale.

It's so bleak I had to change radio stations today. I usually listed to Alt Nation or First Wave. Not today. I moved to Symphony and brooded through my trips through the forest today with Rachmaninoff. It's very appropriate to the deep dark forest setting.

Today I will make 4 trips into town (12 miles) from my mountain castle enclave.

While living in Flagstaff, the weather has convinced me that rainy foggy weather is best suited to England.
I can totally see Carl and myself retiring into an English country life.
We would wear wellies and mackintoshes on daily walks thru kissing gates and while driving our Land Rover to all the English Heritage sites. I would wear large wool jumpers and sit in our English cottage in front of the fire reading Victorian novels and writing long hand letters with a fancy pen to my children and grandchildren across the pond.

Why does the weather in England seem romantic and cozy while in Arizona the same condition seem oppressive and restricting? Argh.

I just miss the sun

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