Monday, September 30, 2013

Are You Feeling It?

I am.

I shaved my son's afro off yesterday. It felt so good. He looks like a young upstanding boy scout now instead of a homeless punk who doesn't own a hairbrush or have a mother that loves him. Can you say "School photo retake"?

Also note that my 13 year old is taller than I am. I'm a solid 5'4" and he is now a growing 5'6".
It's weird I tell ya. Who is that tall man walking around my house? It's not a man it's Isaak.

That photo is so fresh I am still wearing that outfit right this very second.

I saw the movie Don Jon this weekend. It was all sex the whole time which I much prefer to all explosions and car chases.

The bills are paid, the dog is sleeping, the laundry is folded, the dishwasher is emptied, I've trolled all my favorite interweb sites and here I am now blogging.

Should blogging be the last thing that I do? Should I be making it a priority to take the time to write down crazy shit that happens here in my house and in Flagstaff? I totally missed last week. I've been reading too much and then writing about reading. Not everyone wants to read that. Most people don't even want to read books let alone read a blog about somebody else reading books.

I'm only working 2 days this week.
I'm going to read a shit ton of books or at least attempt to.
I'm going to get my moustache waxed (waxed off, not use moustache wax to style my stache).
I'm going to get the dog washed.
I'm going to start and finish some taxes.
I'm going to listen to more Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.
I'm only going to eat at Chipotle once this week.
I'm going to use highlighters only when absolutely necessary.
I'm going to feel it.
Are you feeling it?

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