Monday, February 23, 2009

After the Oscars

I love movies. I'll see pretty much anything that has a happy ending. More than the movies though I like a good story and I like to be entertained. I want to be taken to places and situations that are not a part of my regular daily life. I want to know what it's like to rob a Vegas casino, fall in love in the English countryside, and live the single life in New York City. That's why we all watch the movies.... to take us out of the ordinary and to experience something new and different. We can judge who is a good actor and who is a great screen writer, but I don't think we can really judge what a good movie is. To me it's anything that entertains me and lifts me up, to others it needs to move them emotionally and make them think deeper thoughts about the way the world works. Movies are bashed for thier unrealisticness, their poor dialog, unlikely couples, and undeveloped story lines. But for me they are all doors into other worlds regardless of who the actors are and how well the story is told. When times are tough I don't want to see others on screen struggling with my same problems. Give me the Rodeo Drive shopping spree, the good life lived in a French castle, and the excess of a royal family. These are things that make me forget that I have laundry to do and that we are having hotdogs for dinner. I just wanted to say thank you to all the people that make movies, even ones starring Paris Hilton and Rob Schneider. I want to thank all the people who spend their lives trying to tell a good story, entertaining us all, and recording the hopes and dreams of us all on film and on paper.

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