Monday, February 23, 2009


It is getting so frustrating when I have all these other things that command my attention and all I want to do is sit at my computer and write and write and write. It seems I can never run out of things to say to a piece of paper or a computer screen, but put me in front of a real person and I’m at a loss. Give me an architecture project and I will procrastinate until the very last moment, but tell me you need a letter or a memo or a summary and I’ll jump right on it. When I see call back a client and update my blog on my to do list what do you think I’m going to do first? It just seems really so hard to get paid to be a writer. I’ve been writing for myself for years… stories of my romances and heartbreaks, frustrations and elations. But what does it take to get that writing noticed? That I have no clue. I can post things on my blog that no one reads and spout off on all things important to me, but if it never gets read then to me it isn’t really writing. I can hope that somehow a copy of my hard drive slips down between the cracks of my floor boards and someday someone restoring my house will find my stories and publish them posthumously as an original look at life in the early 21st century, but I just don’t think that will happen. I read all the books on starting writing career and look at all the selling that needs to be done and that is just not me. I’m not a seller. I’m not even a go getter. I’m an observer and that is what makes me a writer and not a great seller. So I sit here stuck and frustrated and wondering what I can do to make myself a career of what I really love to do…..write my observations of the world down…. And to chronicle my existence here on earth in this body in this time.

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