Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bored Today

I'm bored and I've only got an hour until it's time to pick up the kids from school. So I'll just rant here for a little while.
We haven't heard back from the bank since 2 weeks ago. They took our original copies of our tax returns from the past 4 years and are apparently keeping them, or have forgotten about us entirely. I really don't think the shipping business expansion is going to be done with bank money. We are going to arm wrestle the seller and offer him a small cash down payment and then he'll just have to carry the note. It will happen and we will have a new territory eventually, but it is moving so slowly, just like I was rambling yesterday about the rug business.
Life always seems like a waiting game, but I have to remember it's the waiting part and the creating part that are just as important as the getting part. Life happens everyday even when I'm waiting. Things are moving and I'm on the path, I just can't see my destination yet, but the path is beautiful.
That's too philisophical. While I'm on the path, tonight I'm going to watch American Idol.

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