Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Consulting Architect

Thsi was the lovely view as the little one and I took our walk this afternoon. It makes it hard to complain about the artic tundra that we live on when it looks like this today....mild winds, sunny and 75, with beautiful bible verse clouds.

Of course the alternative to the winter is the searing sun that will burn you after 10 minutes in it's powerful rays. That is 8000 ft elevation for ya.

My dear hard working husband did not get home until 8:30 pm last night. So he officially worked from 5:15 am when he left the house until he walked in the door at 8:30. That is too long a day no matter what we are getting paid. He called around 6:00 telling me how frustrated he was that he was still working and he was driving past other dads outside playing with their kids, watering their lawns, or sitting on their porches.

Of course it makes me feel bad since I am not working and he is working his little ass off. But is their another way to do it? In my mind I have to be home all summer since the kids are out of school, but it would be nice if I could bring in at least $2000/month while I'm at home. Which brings me to the real question.... is there a way for me to work at home as an architect or in an architect type way without actually being an architect? Would it be possible to dispense all of my architecture knowledge without having clients, stamping drawings and taking things into the city? There has to be a way and I am racking my brain trying to figure it out. No one is hiring architects anyway nowadays, so what good would an at home consulting architect be to people? I don't know, but it sounds like someome somewhere could probably use my talents, but where are they and how much are they willing to pay?

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