Friday, June 19, 2009

Small Biz Blues

We still don't have a new truck and I could rant and rave and get into all the particulars about credit being tightened, the problems in trying to finance a new used truck, etc, etc, but it's all frivilous details.

What it really comes down to is that it's hard to be a small business these days. I get so frustrated that in order to get a loan it's easier to have a pay stub for working for someone else than it is to get a loan as a small business owner.

If Joe Cool walked into a bank with a pay stub from a job he just got 2 weeks ago for a company that frequently bounces checks and is about to go under... a bank will approve him in 5 minutes because he is not self employed.

If I walk into a bank, even a bank I've been with for 5+ years, and they know I am self employed, I have to provide 3 years of tax returns and have to have a higher interest rate because I am self employed.

It pisses me off everytime. I can't be fired from my job, and I can't shut down a business with just 2 weeks notice. To me I seem like the more stable risk than Joe Cool.

I cannot stand banks. I just get more and more frustrated with them as the years go by. Where is the bank that is truly out to help small businesses? Why do we small businesses need banks so much? What can be done to make it easier to run a business and get the credit when it is needed?

Arghhh I am frustrated. I just need to start my own bank, or magically get into a situation where I don't need them to run my business.

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