Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I am participating in National Novel Writing Month this November. Right this very second I am writing this because I am stuck in writing my 2500 words for the day. If you want to know more about what I'm writing then check out my other blog

Hopefully I will finish and things will all work out well and the book will become a Blockbuster Bestseller and then the movie rights will be bought and it will be turned into an awesome action flick staring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Today the new wool for my next rug arrives. Once I've gotten it up on teh rack I'll post pictures. It will be even cooler than the first rug and I might even try and go bigger.

That's all the news for now. I've got nothing to rant about today. Althougth I could start raving about the new gym I just joined. I went for the first time this morning and WOW. Their treadmills are so much nicer than mine at home. Here I can never go above 3.5 mph, but on the gym treadmills I was up at a whopping 4.4. I guess my old one just has too many miles on it. I think I've had it for the past 6 years. Anyway the gym was awesome, aside from locking all my stuff into a locker I couldn't get back unlocked, it really pushes me harder to see all the other moms and old people on thier treadmills. I did an extra 5 minutes just to look good and like I said pushed it all the way up to 4.4.... not quite a run, but a good walk that doesn't make my boobs bounce too much.

I joined to try and conteract my perfectly valid excuse of it being too cold in the house to use my treadmill November through March. I usually give it up every winter because it is seriously only 40-55 degrees in our bedroom in the winter and I jsut can't get on that thing in those temperatures. Not working out in the winter along with regular holiday eating usually means that by March I've got an extra 5 lbs to work off. I always get it off, but this year I should maintain my perfectly rounded mom physique.

Enough procrastinating. back to my 2500 words.

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