Monday, November 16, 2009

Sick with the Flu?

I'm sick and I am running a fever for fourth day in a row. I'm doing the best I can with a cocktail of Extra Strength Tylenol, Mucinex DM, and Nyquil. So far so good. I have no idea if this is the regular flu or the Swine flu. All I know is that I'm sick and I hate being sick. Yesterday it hurt to look at the TV. That is really sick for me. All I could do was listen. Today I'm up and trying to work thru the pain. I'm actually wearing pants and going to try and go thru the motions of a regular day and not give in to the sickness. That usually helps for me. I gave the flu two full days to drag me down and now it's my turn. The kids still have to go to school when I"m sick, dinner still has to be made, and laundry still needs to be folded.
Today I'm catching up and moving forward. I'm going to try to kick ass and take names.
Until Wednesday.

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