Monday, April 26, 2010

Psychadelic Drugs

I think I am finally beginning to feel the effects of my mood altering drugs. It's been almost two weeks and I feel a lot more EVEN. That's the best word I can think of to describe this feeling. I can think my scary thoughts and they just slip right on by instead of my mind seizing on them and devouring them until I am sitting in a corner trying to count the floor tiles repeatedly.

I can sit at my computer and actually get stuff done without getting so easily distracted by Perez or or just spending worthless hours surfing Amazon for the next book that I MUST read.

Now this could just be the regular even keel I float on these two weeks when my hormones are pretty level.
Next week will be the real test. That's the week that I start to slip into PMS, slowly but surely starting me on an internal rage that lasts usually 2 weeks. If I still feel good by next Friday then the drugs are working.

As far as side effects go, I've been a little nauseous and had weird splitting flashes of pain in weird spots in my head. Of course those could be related to the significant absence of sugar in my diet as well. Those two don't bother me so much as the much more often complained about side effects of weight gain and certain frustrating sexual side effects. Time will tell on those two.

Hopefully I will also be able to write here more often and find some nice range in between totally stark raving mad and typical boring drugged housewife.

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