Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sugar Free Me

While I would never say I was overweight, I would say that my ideal weight is at 130 and not where I usuallly hover between 135-138. It's not enough of a difference for me to really make the effort to eat less. I love my curves and I am probably just as afraid of being too thin as I am of being too fat. I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. I'm fit and healthy so the extra 5 lbs never bothered me. I would always think to myself that I should really cut out the Oreos, candy, cookies, ice cream, and marshmallows, but I never was really motivated to do it for the weight.

On the other hand, now that I know all that sugar was seriously effing with my head it's been a sinch to cut it out.

My point here is that the weight was not a motivating factor, but the crazy cure motivation is pure gold. I am (was)  seriously sick in the head and a good deal of that seems to have been caused by a serious overdose on Easter candy and my addiction to marshmallows and M&M's. I never would have guessed that, but after a mostly sugar free week, I feel a million times better.

Am I reading the wrong magazines? Have I been missing something all these years? Why does the media seem to focus on cutting out sugar to lose weight and not focus on the mood altering affects. Sugar is a drug and for people like me that are very sensitive to alterations in mood it's even a very addcitive drug. Now I'm not advocating cutting it out altogether. I'm still gonna have ice cream once a week and I'm gonna still have a cookie now and again, but never again will the above listed items be a part of my daily food intake. I feel like an idiot for never noticing the effects of sugar on my mood. HELLO! It's like a light has been turned on in my brain and it seems so simple, but no for the past 3 years I've been shoveling in sugar like it was going out of style.

It's hard some days to not reach into the Oreo bag like I usually do after lunch, but if I think it will help me be a normal person again then I'm all for having some Wheat Thins instead, and as a wonderful side effect I might finally be able to stay at 130! Which if you think about it is really more like 125 since 5 lbs is taken up by my 34DDD's.

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