Friday, April 30, 2010

The Fight Against Oreo's

Some days this whole no/less sugar thing is a real bitch.

It's Friday afternoon. I should be able to throw down a few Oreo's right? The temptation is there. I know I will feel like crap afterward, but this taste is what it getting me. I want that creamy chocolately goodness in my mouth. Talking about it isn't making it any better.

Usually when I get this sugar craving I pop a couple of my gummy vitamins. I figure the vitamin part counteracts the high fructose corn syrup of the gummyness. It keeps me from eating those Oreos or the pink and white sprinkled circus cookies. Damn! Why do I even have that crap in my house?

The sacrifice is obviously worth the fight. I'm skinnier. I feel better and I must even say that I am still wearing my tight Lucky jeans even though I am home for the day and have every reason to put on my sweats and call it a day. The pants feel fine and my head feels like a normal person.

My next task is to not buy any books for 2 weeks. Recently my book addiction has been kicked into high gear with the influx of extra roof insurance funds. I've been on a 10 books a week kick which I know I need to cut back on. I've run out of shelf space and my to be read pile is rubbing elbows with me now on my desk while I type. I'm gonna go cold turkey until we get back from Vegas in 2 weeks after my oldest son's birthday. I'm going to try and go that long without buying any new books or even checking out a pile from the library and just see what happens. It's kind of scary, but it's a small goal I think I can easily conquer. Buying books is an obsessive thing for me and I'm trying to stop being obsessive.

No Books and No Oreos. What the hell am I thinking?

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