Monday, July 8, 2013

University Highschool Class of '93 20th Highschool Reunion

This is me from 1993, my senior photo.
I opted for the au natural photo instead of the posed studio shot.
I wish I could still have hair that long and luxurious.

Now what is very weird about this picture is that is was taken at the Grand Canyon. You might not think it strange, but at the time I was living in Illinois with no idea I would someday settle so close to the Grand Canyon.

I got my year book out the other day because my 20th reunion is coming up in a few weeks. I had to freshen my memory on where I stood in our tiny little class of 38 students. Who dated who, who did I fight with, who did I hang out with, who do I want to try and hang out with at the reunion.
With such a small class it was hard to not be a part of the in-crowd. There wasn't really such a thing. We all knew each other inside and out and for better or for worse. Some girls swapped the same boyfriends back and forth several times since the dating pool was so small.

I am excited, but I'm also a little bit nervous. I have a hard time in social situations that involve large numbers of people and serious mingling. I like to just plant myself in one spot and observe, but most of the time that can be interpreted as anti-social. I want to talk to these people. I want to know what they are up to and see what their kids look like. What I don't want to do is have to wriggle my way into conversations and figure out who wants to talk to me. Maybe no one does. It's possible.

Will my old boyfriend be there? Will it be awkward? Will the only two men I have ever loved get along? Will my husband be bored out of his mind? What will I wear and will it make me look fat? Will my children behave? Will I have to drink alcohol? And if I do will they have champagne?
I am really going to start to stress about this as the date draws closer. I can't Xanax this event because then I will just be  a wallflower, too juiced to participate.

If you are reading this and you are one of my fellow Uni High Class of '93, please go easy on me.

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