Monday, July 15, 2013

Where is my guide?

Just yesterday I was feeling that good time summer feeling.

Today it all turned to crap. The weather changed. It has looked like it was going to thunderstorm any second all day. It's colder, only like 70. I didn't have any cool places to go to today. There were no books to pick up at the library, no deposits to make at the bank, no necessary shopping trips, no ice cream cones. NOTHING.

All the kids' neighborhood friends are at camp this week and I can't just let them all play video games all day. When I cut off the games I just got endless whining about how bored they are. It's enough to drive a person insane.

Then my blade on my rug gun broke and the day just tumbled into a bottomless pit from there. I started reading a sad teen angst novel while listening to the Sundays. I ate a few Oreos and burrowed into the couch. It has not been a good day. There is nothing good on TV today. I feel like I have already read too much and I don't want to sink into another book reading couch coma.

Sometimes it feels like when I read I am procrastinating. It makes me feel guilty for doing something that I love. Shouldn't I be living instead of reading awesome stories about people who aren't really living? Should I be crafting clay and glitter and popsicle things with my children? Are they too old for that? Should I be planning and preparing elaborate healthy dinner for my family with all my extra summer time? Should I be writing that novel that is somewhere inside my head? What should I be doing? I need some sort of guide to tell me. What is the best use of my time at this particular stage in my life? Where is my guru? Where is my guide?

That's what kind of day I'm having.

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