Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Healthcare Tuesday Oct 1


58 People have viewed my blog today.

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Don't get me wrong. I'm cool with it, but having trouble wrapping my head around it. It only took 4 years to reach that one day number. If we keep going at this rate I might actually make that .05 cent commission from Google for allowing adds. A girl can dream.

Now lets get to the question of Health care.
It's a big deal today.
My family buys private insurance from Blue Cross. Carl and the kids are on the plan. It currently costs around $600/month for a $5000 deductible policy. We hardly ever use it but pay $7200 a year for the privilege of having insurance and getting a slight discount on health care services from the association with BCBS.
In a bad year where we actually used our insurance (broken arm or minor surgery) we could spend $12,000 on health care.
I was on the school district insurance until Aug when I went to part time. I am no longer covered on insurance. I will probably buy a new policy for the whole family or just get myself a policy thru
Healthcare.gov. starting Jan. 1
I have visited the site several times this morning. Needless to say it is not working. I cannot even create an account. I know it's overloaded today, but I have never been kicked out of registration process for providing "wrong" answers to my own security questions.
This is going to be a rough process. I am interested in having better insurance. I am also interested in having more affordable insurance. I already feel as though I am paying my fair share to contribute to the health care system that supports those who don't have health care. Our $7200 is going somewhere, but not to take care of us. It's just such a bullshit system already I dont' have much confidence that this is one will be more equitable.
I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.
I'll keep you all posted on the price and coverage and process of getting thru the new system. I am a librarian after all and I am supposed to disseminate information freely.

Just stop back frequently and help keep my numbers up. Mama needs some insurance and those 5 cent commissions for every 5000 visitors could really start to stack up.

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