Thursday, August 30, 2007

Life at 8000 ft

It was just called to my attention yesterday that our house is actually located at a whopping 8000 ft. I knew it was high, but that is freaking high. Flagstaff in general is at around 7000, so I guess my office where I actually write this is at 7000.
Anyway I'm trying to get into this writing thing. I've found that I write much better when I am writing for myself and no one else. I've read that in all the books I have on writing, but it never really sinks in until I try and read the crap I'm editing in my head that is destined for others to read. It always turns out too nice, too few %^&$*# in it, and doesn't really seem like me. I am who I am and I don't think I'm intended for all audiences. I have always told it like it is and not held anything back. I know that's why I don't have any really good friends except for the ones who can take and also give it right back to me. I would love to write for women and tell them all the things that they are doing wrong in ruling the world, but they are all so sensitive. Not that I'm not too, it's just the reason why we don't rule the world.

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