Thursday, August 23, 2007

Things are starting to get a little desperate around here. It's been 2 months since I've been paid on any project. That seems to be my biggest problem in being an architect. People just don't seem like paying. I think they think that architects have a lot of money and can wait to be paid, so it doesn't matter if they are a couple of months behind. It is the most frustrating thing to have done work and have accounts receivable and not be able to collect. Also architecture is not necessarily steady work. Some months I'm crazy busy and others I just sit in my $1200/month office and try and think of ways to bring in new clients. I'm at my wits end. I wish I could work like a retail business and have the clients pay when they walk out of the office with the plans. I think that's why I'm looking at trying to sell my plans in one of those weird plan books. I hate those plans. They are so ............ick. I want to do something better, but something that will still appeal to the mainstream and then sell them for like $2000 a pop. And then I want to sell at least 1 set every week and make an extra $8000 a month. But with real estate being so questionable lately I'm not sure if that is going to be my real money maker. Basically I'm an architect trying to make bank in a world where people are slowly running out of money.

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