Monday, August 27, 2007

Mondays, Children and School

Ohhhhh, it is such a Monday. I'm in my office worried about my just turned 4 today 4 year old. I dropped him off at his new big boy preschool this morning. He knows the place, his brother went there, he was mildly excited about going, but still I worry. He's a class 5 clinger. He wouldn't let go of my leg this morning and I had to pry his arms off of me to leave. He didn't cry, but he was the only kid having issues with his parent leaving. It really breaks my heart. I know he's fine after I leave, but I just wish he didn't have to put on such an elaborate show for me.
I am now officially dropping off all 3 kids at 3 separate locations in the morning which takes an hour from leaving the house to me actually getting to sit down at my desk. Then of course I start the whole thing again this afternoon when I must leave my desk at exactly 2:50 Pm to go thru the whole process again. It's no wonder I work for myself. I could never do this working for someone else 5 hours and 50 min each day, and then leaving early on Wednesday when my 2nd grader gets out at 1:15. That is such a short work week. It's a wonder I never get anything done.

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