Friday, August 31, 2007

Vanity Fair

I just bought an issue of this magazine and wow. I was just going to thumb thru and then I had to read every single article. It's been a while since I looked at this magazine and I was really amazed. It is so much more than a fashion magazine. It has all the same adds as Vogue, but much more substance and interesting articles about fascinating people. It's part trashy and part news and all entertainment. It makes me feel more sophisticated just for having read it. That's powerful. It inspires me to try and design something truly beautiful that could aspire to be featured in those pages. Architectural Record doesn't do that for me, occasionally Arch Digest will, but usually it's Elle Decor or Domino. I want to create something, but what. Something is in me and it is buring to get out, it just hasn't identified itself to me yet. Apparently I need to put the correct materials in my hands to make the genius flow out.
I'm trying desperatley to be writer now as well as an architect and a designer. But apparently it's a long hard road and I've never got time for the long haul. I'm writing, but it doesn't really count since no one is reading it. You can't really be a writer unless you've swallowed your fear and actually given words committed to paper to a real living person that you know. I don't think the internet counts. It's too anonymous. I don't even have my real name on this blog. That's how fearful I am of committing to my writing. But at least this gets me to practice. My typing skills are getting better, but I can't say the same for my vocabulary. I've spent too much time with my kids watching SpongeBob, reading cheesy chick lit books and parenting magazines to have an impressive vocablary. Mybe I should work on that.

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