Friday, October 5, 2007

New Form of Housing

I'm still not doing well with the photos. I never seem to remeber to take any, let alone anything worthy of sharing with the world.
The book is moving along slowly, but I think that's pretty normal. There just seems to be so much information to digest. I think I can honestly say that this has not been done in years and there has yet to be a solution to the best designed house for a wife and mother and gainfully employed woman. Can I do it? I'm not sure, but I would sure like to offer my take on the solution. There are so many things that I see are wrong with typical housing, but I look at it from an upper middle class point of view. I would like to see a nanny/au pare suite, private bedrooms for all the kids and private bathroom for the seperate sexes of kids. That's not always an option for most families. So my view is obviously skewwed. I'm not sure I'm qualified to offer a solution for lower income families, but I would assume we all have the same issues with housework, privacy, and comfort. Some things are universal. I'm going to give it a shot and I think I'm going to ask some big names in architecture to try and offer their solutions. I would prefer women, but any man could offer a solution if he has demonstrated the ability to be sensitive to the way a house is run. How great would that be if Dolores Hayden would create her own well researched design for the ultimate family home? That would be amazing. I've just got to work up the courage to ask her.

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