Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Wanted: Your business to buy

Holy Crap! People are actually starting to read this thing. I had no idea I was writing for anyone other than myself. I mean I know it's posted in the most public of places, but I'm just a little tiny stop in the huge internet. I guess I have a message.
I've been slacking the past few days....too many family obligations and I got a little sidetracked from my book proposal. I've got to focus on making some money for the next few weeks. I know, I know, the book will eventually earn me millions, but in the meantime I've got to get some cashflow. That city project I was interested in is just a little bit too much for me since there is only me and it's a ton of work. I'm still waiting to hear back about my fabulous never ending, never starting project here in town. The developer is not returning my phone calls. So for now I abandon the topsy turvey unreliable client world of architecture and turn instead to my amazing business skills. We own 2 other businesses besides my architecture firm, and I need to find another to supplement my erratic income. That's why we bought the first 2, but now I need a third. So if anyone has a nice service business that has all the key employees already in place and with attractive seller financing..... please let me know. I can't spend all of my hours here in my office pretending to have clients. I also run the financials for the other 2 businesses from my fabulous office that no one sees. I really like making money from doing nothing but managing people and businesses that I don't really have to work in. I don't have to show up everyday and I don't have to actually produce anything except a clean set of books at the end of the year for the accountant.

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