Wednesday, October 31, 2007

T. Harv Eker

So we were in LA for a while and it was absolutly fabulous. We went to the Millionaire Mind Intensive weekend inspired by T. Harv Eker's book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Of course as I suspected Harv was not there. It was somewhat interesting. The weekend was spent with half of the time devoted to some actual learning and the other half to them selling more weekend getaways for $$$$ of dollars more. Overall I liked it. We went away with a few new ideas, we spent $20 and $20 only the whole weekend on all of Harv's propaganda. We bought a hypnosis CD that is supposed to subliminally get us to create multiple streams of passive income. We haven't listened to it yet. I was very disappointed in the fact that the seminars ran until who knows how late. We left the first night at the dinner break at 7:00 pm and we were not about to come back at 8:00 for another 3 hours of learning (selling). We were there for a fun weekend and weren't about to sepnd the whole 3 days in the convention center. The second day we left at the 4:00 15 minute break and then on Sunday we didn't show up at all. We had learned all we needed too. I think it was when we were all listening to a visualization CD in the convention center hall and we were supposed to envision our happy spot and how we could change our lives to be able to go there when ever we wanted..... that Carl and I realized that we are already in our happy spots all the time. We had both transported ourselves to our own back yard and were walking thru the tall grass and wildflowers, with a warm breeze and our magnificent mountain view. If we already have what we always wanted, why are we here with all of these unhappy floundering people with no goals in life. We know more or less what we want and we always work towards our goals. We got a little inspiration over the weekend, but we are already on our way without T. Harv Eker.
We spent the rest of the weekend eating great food at Roscoe's, Morton's, the Farmers Market at 3rd and Fairfax, walking around, catching movies, we walked the pier in Santa Monica and we even had a celebrity siting. We saw Kevin Pollack waiting outside Houston's Restaurant on 2nd St in Santa Monica Sunday night. Overall a good weekend and a welcome getaway from the kids.

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