Monday, August 3, 2009

Sacred Sedona

Sometimes I forget that just 30 minutes down the mountain is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Since I seldom leave my house during the week things can get very overwhelming what with the children and my dear husband working 14 hour days.
So this weekend we left the kids with grandma and took a night out. We didn't go to the movies, we didn't get dressed up, we just got in the car and drove down the canyon to Sedona.
For those of you not familiar with Sedona, it is one of the most magical mystical places in the world. The light is different, the air feels different and the sun feels different. It is a place that always feels "right". Besides the city itself, there are places in the rocks that are called Vortexes. They have a certain strange magnetic vibration. you can't feel it just by walking near it, but if you sit and relax and listen to the rocks, and feel the sun and the air and try and clear your mind you can feel it. It is easier to meditate near them than it is anywhere else.

We often go down there with our ipods and sit and try and regroup and recharge as my husband calls it.
I've never been a very religious person, but I was raised Lutheran and spent a lot of time in churches growing up. I love the beautiful church architecture and I appreciate them for their history and their architectural beauty, but I have never felt at peace inside of one.
I feel closer to god and to the universe as a whole sitting on a rock in a vortex in Sedona than I ever have in a church. I don't think there is anyplace else on earth that has that feeling for me. It is such a spiritual place. If we don't go down at least once a month we start to get jittery and angry. If Sedona is the center of the calm warm universe of positive energy, then Flagstaff is the exact opposite filled with tension and negativity.
After sitting for 45 minutes I felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt like I could go home and be with the kids for another 2 weeks until school starts. I was questioning my sanity before, but felt inspired to work again after.
It works like a drug to me. After the horrible week I had I felt like a new person.
If I was smart I would just schedule a once a week meditation session on my rock and I would never be angry or upset and always have the energy to get through the tough weeks.

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