Monday, May 3, 2010

Daily Blog Posting

Another new resolution I will try for the next 2 weeks....... Daily Blog Posting. I used to do 3 times a week and now I'm lucky if I get more than 1 a week, so to kick things off right and get things going in the right direction I'm going to try and write something interesting each and every day (excluding the weekends of course).

So far I made it through the weekend without buying any books. I am however going to the library today. It's who I am. I need the constant flux of new information or else my brain will shrivel up and die.

The lastest topic for me to research is historic house preservation and archaeology. I think I just may have found a way to mesh my lust for houses with my need to write. It's a little top secret so far, but I think I may just start moving ahead on writing that book I always talk about. I even have the first few chapters written and who the hell knows it could be a fabulous series of books, but for now I am going to research my ass off. I want to do this right. It's such a good idea I think I might even be able to sell a fiction book series on just a proposal and a couple of chapters. I know. I must be high. I can dream though. But really the idea is THAT fabulous. I know I would want to read the whole series and isn't that what it's really about..... write a book that you yourself would actually want to read.

Other than those two fabulous things this week, I am also reading The Happiness Project. I wasn't too sure of it at first. It's another writer from New York with a year long project that could very well change her life. I've read a lot of them, but this one is kind of cool. So far it blends all of the various self-help theories into one year long manifesto on how to change your life. Everyone's Happiness Project can be different depending on what you want to work on, but the author really tells all kinds of fabulous intimite details of her life while she works on what, for her, will be HER Happiness Project. I love all the juicy details.

Day 1 of two week continuous blog posting complete. Till tomorrow.

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