Monday, March 9, 2009


So many things, so little attention span......

1. We met with our seller over the weekend for our shipping business and everything looks good. He is committed to selling to us, we just need to work out a deal. Next meeting with him is this Friday to work out all the details. And since I am so awesome I was able to find a finace company who will give us $60k. I am amazing.

2. The rugs. They are ready to go. Everything is hooked up, the rack is built, the compressor is full of air, the wool is here. I have my contact in Nepal..... all I need now is customers and my web site and I will be kicking ass.

3. Writing.....still a work in progress. I've taken the last few weeks to up my web intelligence. Look for a bigger and better blog with all the "bells and whistles" soon to come as well as a more architecture related blog with architecture book reviews.

Things are definitely looking up this week and all projects are a go even with my tiny apprentice running around who wants me to get off the computer and come play puzzles.

Also a new thing I've been working on......a BUDGET. Yes the dreaded word. Now seems like the perfect time to start one and it actually seems to be taking a load off of my mind. I know what I have to spend, and now the hard part will be to stop when funds are gone from a particular category.

This recession thing is a good thing I think overall. I'm changing careers for the better, spending more time with my kids, being more careful with money and thinking about what to do with the funds that I do have instead of constantly flittering the money away. Everything happens for a reason.

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