Friday, October 16, 2009

Books and Faison Love

I have been crazy busy the last week. I know I am technically just a stay at home mom right now, but damn, sometimes that is a lot of work. There have been things that need repaired, laundry to do, business taxes to deal with, books to read, home work to do with the kids, shopping which is endless, and just regular stuff. It blows my mind sometimes how I ever did all this and sat in my office all day working on projects. Sometimes I feel guilty when I think how hard my dear husband works all day while I sit at home. But then I realize he couldn't do what he does if I wasn't at home taking care of everything. It's hard for me, but I know I am doing something worthwhile here. I might not be making any money doing it, but it is providing for my family in much the same way that Carl's income does.

I know I ramble about this stuff all the time, but hey this is my life.

Interesting tidbits from the last week.

1. A flame rod from a boiler is very easy to fix, although worth every penny of the $70 I paid a repair guy to show me how to fix it for next time.

2. Couples Retreat is pretty funny, but in retrospect I should have waited for it to come out on DVD. I have been confusing Faison Love with Donald Faison for years. Movie would have been much funnier with Donald Faison.

3. The New Moon soundtrack comes out today.

4. Jack in the Box is food made for people under 30, or people with cast iron stomachs. I can no longer eat there without spending a fair amount of time in the bathroom afterward.

5. I might actually be giving up my $50/week book habit in favor of a great vacation next summer.

6. Due to the reports of the horrible flu season that is to come I will also be giving up my trips to the library. Fortunately I have stock-piled about 60 books here to last me until next summer.

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