Monday, November 5, 2012

Am I an anarchist?

In case you didn't know I'm a little bit crazy. I'll be the first to admit it. I truly am. Most of the time I'm fine, but sometimes my irrational behavior rears it's ugly head and I have a hard time getting through the day.
Today it has become evident that I am having a hard time getting through these last few weeks of grad school. I am supposed to graduate Dec. 15, but I'm just not interested in finishing. I am required to write some BS essays on what I've learned while in school, but I'm not feeling it. I don't really think I've learned that much. So to summarize my experience I wrote a fabulous essay stating exactly that. Needless to say it was rejected and I've been asked to resubmit.
What kind of message does that send when I cannot say what I really feel, but must BS my way through to the end? I can't bring my self to do it. It's making me very anxious and nervous and I don't know what to do. I almost would like to leave the essay where it stands and see if they will really deny my graduation. But that seems like a waste of my $36,000 I spent on tuition. I'm just so riled up that I can't physically write that essay again.
I'll give it a few days and see if I calm down, but for now I'm ticked. I do not get along with higher education and the world of academia. It's like oil and water. The older I get the more I realize that I am quite possibly an anarchist.

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