Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pay Me to Read, Please!

Can I just please find a job that will pay me to read?

Are you a busy editor? Do you need a reader for you precious manuscript?

I know those jobs are out there, but where? I'm not moving to NYC anytime soon, but can't people just send me books in the mail?

I want the UPS man (and of course the FedEx man too) to being me big packages filled with books everyday.

I want to be required to sit on my couch in front of a cozy fire in a big fluffy fleece blanket with a mug of hot cocoa and read. Sorry kids I'm working/reading. You'll have to make your own dinner.

I want reading deadlines. I want to have to stuff in two books a day. Heck, maybe even three. I'm a fast reader. I already read while I'm cooking, while I'm watching TV, during my lunch break at work, and even during family gatherings. I'll be the one enjoying everyone's company while quietly reading in the corner.

I think I even once bought a book on how to make money reading, but it was full of crap. I'm not a hustler so I have a hard time advertising my services. I'm just hoping if I write enough book reviews on my other blog somebody somewhere will send me a book and $20 with a note saying, "Can you please read this and let me know what you think?"

I would jump up and down and praise the Lord and quit my $10/hour job.

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