Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fuck Yeah!

It has recently come to my attention that my children are avid cursers. Last night at a neighborhood bonfire I was discussing with the other mothers and I was astonished to learn that my kids are the only ones who repeatedly use the words: shit, dammit, and on rare occasions, the f-word.

Now I'll be the first to admit I swear a lot, and obviously they have picked it up from me, but I blame their father entirely. After spending his entire childhood growing up in ghettos all over LA he picked up quite a colorful vocabulary.

Me, being the demure mid-western girl that I was, had never had a potty mouth till I started hanging out with him and his other potty mouthed friends.

I honestly don't care if my children curse. It doesn't bother me one bit. They keep it inside the house and know not to speak like that around other adults. As long as they know it is not appropriate language I think they understand how and when to use the words.

A great example of this was yesterday when a friend of my 10 year old stopped over unexpectedly and before inviting his friend up to his room my son said, "Wait just a minute I have to change the song I'm listening to." He was listening to RockStar by NERD which uses the f-word prolifically. He knows and he understands. I think that means that despite my lackadaisical parenting when it comes to swearing, he is still a good kid despite his colorful vocabulary.

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