Monday, June 21, 2010

Loan Modification Update

I know it's been a while.....

This isn't so much of an update as it is a tirade.

I'm not going to write a lot, but just say that I am currently on hold and waiting for someone anyone to tell me what is going on with my B of A loan mod. I'm getting so many different stories about what is taking so long, what payment is due when that it is driving me crazy.

Now I've been told that there is a hold up because I have not sent in my most recent paystubs and bank statements. Well who was going to tell me that I was supposed to send those in? A B of A fairy? I freaking call in every week and now I'm told there has been a hold since May?

Charles Kerry...... have some respect for those you are negotiating for. Call and contact and reassure and tell us what the fuck is going on.

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