Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Photos of Mom

I often find that pictures of me are few and far between. I would love to have a few glossy photos of myself when I am looking my best, but as a mother that never seems to happen.

I am always the one taking the pictures or if and when my dear husband is taking them he seems to focus on the children or try and take weird artsy photos of me from WAY too close up. (See my photo on this page). Either that or he seems to get an odd angle of my ass or my boobs that make them look disproportionally large compared to the rest of my body (FYI my tits are in fact huge but my ass is not)

Everytime we have tried to have a "professional" photograph taken it looks horrible, although I'm not sure Sears or JCPenney counts as "professional".

I wonder how much it would cost to have a real photographer follow me around for a day or a week and take photos of me at my best. I need someone with a good eye and a knowledge of how to capture those awsome shots that catch the essence of who you are. I want someone to take pictures of me reading and baking and writing or laughing at something one of the kids has said or done. I just want a whole day of honest black and white photos of me as a mom. Sounds simple enough...... just a document of an ordinary summer day as a mom. The good the bad and the ugly.

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