Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I know I'm awesome, obviously you know I'm awesome or you wouldn't be reading this, but who else can YOU tell about my awesomeness?

I'm not big on self promotion, but the time has come to start pimping this thing out. As you probaly already know I'm kind of a hermit, so there are not many more people Ican tell about this blog. I have a grand total of 41 Facebook friends and that includes all the people who still admit that they know me from grade school, highschool, college and my short stint in the workforce. I've told all them about this blog, but if you are just some random person who stumbled upon me looking for info on Tony Robbins and you like what you're reading then PASS IT ALONG.

I'm only 1,000,000 followers away from a book deal, reality show, or guest column at Vogue. You can make all the difference. I'll pimp you out if you pimp me out. That's what bloggers do.

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