Friday, October 26, 2012

Chastising Bad Parents. Would you do it?

Okay, so my children and I were eating dinner out tonight. We go to the same place every week the four of us and we feel like this restaurant is our 2nd home. We love it there. We laugh, we talk, we plan the week, we share our food. It is the definition of a family dinner.

Tonight I saw sitting across from us a very strange sight. There was a mom, a guy who may or may not have been the dad and a 10 year old boy. The mom had a laptop with her and she was playing World of Warcraft. The dad was watching cartoons on his own separate laptop with headphones. The boy was sitting there by himself staring off into space while his parents, sitting right next to him, were oblivious to him. The parents were shoveling food into their large mouths and were so focused on their separate forms of entertainment that the poor child was staring at us longingly.

I was really torn. I so desperately wanted to say something to these people. They were both big, nerdy, pasty people who obviously live connected to their computers. I've seen parents on their phones in a restaurant, but to bring in 2 laptops while you eat... with your child. I was appalled.

After wondering what to do, I decided to go for it. I didn't want to be rude, but I wanted to make my point so I went up to the kid and asked him, "Where's your laptop?" He smiled and his mom looked up and did a little laugh. Then I looked at her at said, "He might enjoy a little conversation if you've got the time." I smiled and walked away. The dad looked up and said, "Mind your own goddam business!"

Yes I deserved that. I would be pissed if anyone told me how to parent my child, too but when it comes to children I don't think we should all mind our own business.  By ignoring their child they were sending him the message that their games and cartoons were more important than he was. Imagine being that kid and looking around the restaurant and seeing all the other people and families laughing and talking and having to sit by those two lumps. How would it make you feel?

Now I'll be the first to tell you that I am the best parent in the world. I am fairly self-righteous when it comes to parenting. I know I'm doing it right as evidenced by my three beautiful, intelligent, well-adjusted children. We all parent differently though and I know different techniques will still yield fabulous children, but this to me was blatant bad parenting. If they do that in public how do they treat the poor boy at home? I felt it my duty to say something. Maybe, just maybe, that mother will think twice about what I said and start talking to her child instead of ignoring him so much that I feel like inviting her child to come sit at MY table during dinner.

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