Monday, October 8, 2012

Weighted Hula Hoop

I know it seems like I'm doing a lot of product related posts, but I really am excited about these things, and I feel it is my moral duty to let you, my 4 loyal followers, know all about them.

This is my new favorite thing. I think it was the end of August that I got my 5lb weighted hula hoop.
I now have a waist.
This is major news.
If you're like me and you've been pregnant a few times and maybe even had a few kids you have waist issues.
At the end of the summer I was tired of my treadmill and working on my areas that are already awesome (my legs and ass), so I decided to work on my abs instead. My non-existent abs.
Since then I've been doing a rotation of 30-50 sit-ups on my fitness ball, 20 side-ups per side on my Roman chair, and then a few minutes with my hula hoop (I'm up to 8 min).
And HOT DAMN. I have abs now.

I don't think you understand. I have NEVER had abs before. Nothing, not even a dimple or a shadow. It's amazing.

Now just to be clear I will not be flaunting my abs about like a 16 year old. I am 37. I have numerous stretch marks, and we won't even mention what my skin looks like below my belly button, but above the button I'm good.

I would highly recommend this for anyone who wants to work on their waist issues even without doing sit-ups.

Just a warning though.... start slow. Try 2 minutes at first. You will have bruises. Yes bruises at first. Keep with it. Go up a minute a week and soon you will be a hoola-hooping fool with a waist.

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