Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Being a Woman is Hard

Do I do too much?

I just met a mom this afternoon that has been giving my oldest son a ride home from school occasionally.
I had never met her and I was letting her transport my precious cargo.
Yes, our sons go to the same fancy Charter School. Yes, she lives in my neighborhood. Yes, my son is friends with her son.
I was assuming because of those factors that she would be perfectly safe to transport my child.
And I was right. I was a feeling a little guilty before I met her, but now I am at ease.
Not only is she a neighbor, but our 6 year-olds are in the same class, we run the same ridiculous circuit every morning to the far side of town and then back to our side of town to drop our children off at two different locations, a 20 mile loop.
It's ridiculous that I have never met her.

I do too much. She is a stay at home mom. I like to think that I am, but I'm not.
I work 35 hours a week. I do all the book keeping for two family businesses. I am a graduate student. I am a mother and I am a wife. It's too much.
It's the reverse of how most people think it would be. I feel guilty for working and she feels guilty for staying home. She was trying to explain why she doesn't work. As if she always has to provide an excuse for her 'laziness'. I tried to make her feel better by saying that I would soon stop 'working' so that I too could stay at home.
I feel like I am slacking on my mothering. I should have met this woman a long time ago. I should have gone to parent teacher conferences. I should have chaperoned the Grand Canyon field trip (people fall to their deaths there every week). I should have volunteered for Carnival night.
But no I've got homework, a paper to write, quarterly taxes, payroll to run, oh yeah and I have to make dinner every night and 10 loads of laundry every week.

Why do I do it all? Do I have too? Can I just do 1 thing besides being a mother instead of 4 things?
Should I focus on the family businesses? Should I focus on the family? Should I focus on being a librarian? Should I focus on my rugs? My writing? My blogs?

What is the answer?

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