Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Upturn to the Downturn?

I've gotten 2 phone calls this week for new projects. I will of course turn them down, but I thought that it was interesting that there are people out there who are finally getting loans to build. These were not commercial projects either. They were spec residential, small scale, but still residential.

Things might be looking up. I'm going to take it as a definite sign that things are done going down and going to finally turn up.

For me it's kind of bittersweet. I hate turning the stuff down because I want the money so badly. But I can't wait for that day in the not too distant future when I will be free and clear of everything architecture related. I've got 2 projects still out there in limbo that need to be finished and then I will be done.

What would just be icing on the cake would be if I could rent out my office and get out from underneath that payment. That will be the true sign of the upturn....when I can find someone who can afford the $800/month rent. That's right I had to talk to landlord down from the insane $1200 that I've been paying for the last 2 years. I finally made him realize that in this economy there is no one who is going to pay $1200 for 400 sq ft. I'm keeping my fingers crossed one renting it.

Oh and thanks for the responses on who you are that are reading if. I'm being sarcastic. No one identified themselves. What am I? your guilty pleasure?
That's cool. I guess it's just good to know you're out there.

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