Friday, April 10, 2009

Where are my Wednesdays?


I forgot to mention that this week we are officially the owners of the west side of town territory for our shipping business.

Things are looking good in shipping. Dear husband has been out till 7:00 all week we have so much to deliver. Good for business and good for $$$, but lonely here and all the kids are complaining about dad not being home.

Things will eventually calm down when we can hire another employee hopefully by the mid to end of summer when we get the other 3 territories from the other seller.
Until then I'm on my own in pretty much everything that involves the kids and the house. It's not a fun job, but that's what we've got to do to make all the ends meet.

I miss our Wednesday lunch dates when he wasn't driving and all the kids were in school or daycare. I miss just hanging around the office with him all day and taking shopping trips together with him for birthdays and just for fun to Target or the toy store without the kids. We even could drive down to Sedona for lunch we had so much time to ourselves. But now with him driving I'm lucky if we see each other for an hour at night. He eats, showers, in is in bed by 9:00 just to get up at 4:30 and start the whole day over again.

It's amazing what we will do when times are tough and how life can change so much in just a few months time. I always keep in mind though that where there is an ebb, there will always be flow again. That's the one thing I know I can count on....change. This will only last a little while longer and then I can have my Wednesday lunch dates back with my husband again. I can't wait for that Wednesday.

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