Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chris Isaak European Tour

I just got an e-mail saying that Chris Isaak will be touring Europe this summer.

Big sigh.

That is what I should be doing this summer..... flying to Paris to see Chris Isaak and the guys. Maybe even following them to Nice or maybe Rome.  That's the life I want to lead. I'm just not sure how to get there from the path that I'm on now.

1 comment:

Esme (an Aussie chick) said...

I found your blog in a roundabout way because of this post (I am a bit of an Isaak fan myself, actually no, I am a HUGE Isaak fan !) and have just spent some time reading some of your posts.

I just wanted to stop by and...this is probably going to sound condescending I am sure... but I want to give you a bit of a pat on the back and say "well done" and "keep going".

In an early post you mentioned you were concentrating on writing for you, not us, and that as a result the posts were truer to who you were rather than all prim and proper and nice. I think that is great and even though I don't know you away from this blog, I feel that via your posts I have a pretty real picture of who you are and your life which I think is a rare achievement for a writer.

So, thanks for the honest insight and keep it up. Life will get better; it is just that it might not play out according to the movie reel in your mind (at least it never matches the images in my brain !).